How are you doing with your New Year's Goals? Did you make any? Are you sticking with them?
If you are rockin' your goals/resolutions that's awesome! Keep on going!
If you are having trouble sticking with your goals OR if you decided not to bother making any because you never stick with them anyway, then this email is especially for you.
One of the biggest obstacles we must work through when we want to be healthier is our mindset. Over the years trying and failing on our health goals we develop a lot of "stinkin' thinkin" that gets in the way of us moving forward and creating healthy habits that last.
When you change your thoughts, you change your results. Let's take a deeper look into this concept using a model created by life coach Brooke Castillo.
Here is a brief overview:
Your thoughts create your feelings.
Your feelings lead you to your actions.
Your actions lead to your results.
How does this apply to your health goals? Let's play with the model and find out.
Example 1:
Thought- I know I should try to eat better, but I never last more than a week and then I feel like a failure so why bother.
Feelings- Hopeless and stuck.
Action- Continue to eat whatever you feel like eating because it tastes good even though it makes you feel like crap.
Results- Feel bad about yourself.
Example 2:
Thought- I want to feel stronger and healthier. What can I do today to move me in a better direction?
Feelings- Hopeful and excited
Action- Pack a healthy lunch and take some time to go for a walk during my break.
Results- Feel proud of myself and motivated to keep taking good care of myself the next day.
This is one small example of how you can use this model to get you moving in a positive direction. So often we are unaware of our thoughts and therefore fall into old habits and patterns by default.
Once you become aware of your thoughts, you can choose a better thought that will lead you to take better actions and get better results.
Try it out. What thoughts are getting in the way of your health goals? How can you change your thoughts and in order to lead you to better actions and results?